June 9, 2023

A complete guide to B2B multi touch attribution models

A complete guide to B2B multi touch attribution models

In the world of B2B marketing, it can be challenging to accurately attribute revenue to specific marketing efforts. With so many touch points and interactions involved in the B2B buyer's journey, it can be difficult to determine which marketing channels and tactics are most effective at driving revenue. That's where B2B multitouch attribution models come in.

What is B2B multitouch attribution?

B2B multitouch attribution is a method of measuring the effectiveness of marketing efforts by assigning credit to multiple touch points along the buyer's journey. Unlike single-touch attribution models, which only credit a single touchpoint for a sale or conversion, multitouch attribution models take into account all of the interactions that a buyer has with a company's marketing efforts.

Why is multitouch attribution important for B2B marketing?

Multitouch attribution is important for B2B marketing because it provides a more accurate picture of the buyer's journey and the marketing efforts that influence it. By assigning credit to multiple touchpoints, B2B marketers can get a better understanding of which channels and tactics are most effective at each stage of the buyer's journey. This allows marketers to optimize their marketing efforts and allocate resources more effectively.

What are the different types of multitouch attribution models?

There are several different types of multitouch attribution models that B2B marketers can use, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Here are a few of the most common:

  1. Linear attribution model: In a linear attribution model, each touchpoint in the buyer's journey is given an equal amount of credit for a sale or conversion. This model is useful for companies that have a relatively short and straightforward buyer's journey.
  2. Time decay attribution model: In a time decay attribution model, touchpoints that are closer in time to the sale or conversion are given more credit than touchpoints that occurred further back in time. This model is useful for companies with longer and more complex buyer's journeys.
  3. U-Shaped attribution model: In a U-shaped attribution model, the first touchpoint and the last touchpoint in the buyer's journey are given the most credit, with the remaining touchpoints receiving less credit. This model is useful for companies that place a lot of emphasis on lead generation and nurturing.
  4. W-Shaped attribution model: In a W-shaped attribution model, the first touchpoint, the lead creation touchpoint, and the opportunity creation touchpoint are given the most credit, with the remaining touchpoints receiving less credit. This model is useful for companies that focus on generating leads and converting them into opportunities.
  5. Custom attribution model: B2B marketers can also create their own custom multitouch attribution models based on their specific business needs and goals. This allows marketers to assign credit based on the specific touchpoints and interactions that are most important for their business.

How do you implement a multitouch attribution model?

Implementing a multitouch attribution model can be challenging, but there are several steps that B2B marketers can take to make the process easier:

  1. Identify the touchpoints in the buyer's journey: The first step in implementing a multitouch attribution model is to identify all of the touchpoints that a buyer has with your marketing efforts. This includes everything from website visits to email opens to social media interactions.
  2. Define your attribution model: Once you have identified all of the touchpoints, you need to decide which multitouch attribution model you will use. This will depend on your specific business needs and goals.
  3. Gather data: In order to assign credit to each touchpoint, you need to gather data on how each touchpoint contributes to revenue. This can be done using marketing automation software or other analytics tools.
  4. Analyze the data: Once you have gathered the data, you need to analyze it to determine the impact of each touchpoint on revenue. This will help you to assign credit to each touchpoint in your multitouch attribution model.
  5. Optimize your marketing efforts: Once you have implemented your multitouch attribution model and analyzed the data, you can use this information to optimize your marketing efforts. By identifying the most effective touchpoints and channels, you can allocate your resources more effectively and improve your overall marketing ROI.

Challenges of multitouch attribution

While multitouch attribution can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, there are also some challenges to consider. Here are a few of the most common challenges:

  1. Data integration: Gathering data from all of the touch points in the buyer's journey can be challenging, especially if you are using multiple tools and platforms.
  2. Complex buyer's journey: B2B buyer's journeys can be long and complex, which can make it difficult to accurately assign credit to each touchpoint.
  3. Subjectivity: Attribution models are inherently subjective and different models can produce different results. It's important to choose a model that aligns with your business goals and objectives.
  4. Limited data: If you don't have enough data on each touchpoint in the buyer's journey, it can be challenging to assign credit accurately.


Multitouch attribution is an important tool for B2Bmarketers who want to accurately measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. By assigning credit to multiple touchpoints along the buyer's journey, marketers can get a more accurate picture of which channels and tactics are most effective at driving revenue. While there are some challenges to implementing and using multitouch attribution models, the insights gained can be invaluable for optimizing your marketing efforts and improving your overall ROI.

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